“If you don’t give the market the story to talk about, they’ll define your brand’s story for you.”

-David Brier


What are touchpoints?

A customer touchpoint is any time a consumer interacts with your brand, whether that’s through an employee, a website, an advertisement, or an app.

Touchpoints can be physical or digital, and they can occur at any point in the customer journey, from initial awareness to post-purchase follow-up.

Touchpoints in include:

  1. Advertising: paid media placements, such as television ads, display ads, or social media ads, that a customer sees.
  2. Website and social media: customer's interactions with a company's website or social media channels, such as browsing a website, leaving a comment on a social media post, or sending a message.
  3. Sales interactions: interactions that a customer has with a sales representative or customer service representative, such as a phone call or live chat session.
  4. In-store experience: interactions that a customer has with a brand or product in a physical store, such as browsing products or speaking with a sales associate.
  5. Post-purchase follow-up: follow-up communication that a brand has with a customer after a purchase has been made, such as a thank-you email or a customer satisfaction survey.

By understanding and optimising touchpoints across the customer journey, designers and marketers can work together to create a more cohesive and effective marketing strategy that improves customer engagement and loyalty.

“Brand is the holistic sum of customers’ experiences, composed of visual, tonal and behavioral brand components, many of which are shaped by interaction design.”